Bethel Music, Community, Devotional, Emotional Health, Song Stories, Worship

PEACE III: Your Inheritance

April 21, 2020
Bethel Music

Peace is a person, and He is near. This devotional series explores what it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding and weathers the wildest storms. We hope that this series along with our album PEACE ushers you into the peace of God and brings strength to your mind, body, and soul.

In Luke chapter 8, a woman who had a discharge of blood for 12 years saw Jesus in a crowd and reached out to grab His garment. She was instantly healed. Jesus told her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)

Jesus not only healed the woman’s disease but commanded her to “go in peace,” alluding to a new way of living available to her. 

Jesus walked in so much peace that He was never alarmed by anything. 

Jesus slept in a boat during a storm while the disciples were preparing to die. He wandered from place to place, having no home of his own for his entire ministry and yet He fed 5,000 people on two separate occasions with a couple of loaves and fish. Jesus healed every sick person He came into contact with. Instead of mourning when Jesus heard of Lazurus’ death, He went to raise him. The disciples were constantly baffled by Jesus’ failure to react to threatening situations the way they did. They realized He had something that they didn’t have.


One day Peter was approached by a temple tax collector and was questioned about whether Jesus paid taxes. 

Jesus later asked Peter, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?”

Peter replied, “From others.”

Jesus said, “Then the sons are free. However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.” Matthew 17:24-27

Jesus paints a beautiful picture for us in this story. 

If we are sons and daughters of a wealthy Father, we are free from the systems of the world. 

We still go to work and pay our dues, but we’re free from the attitude of striving and toiling for our needs like the rest of the world. We’re free from the effects of sickness and disease because divine healing is part of living in perfect peace. When we walk in this kind of peace that Jesus walked in, our needs will be provided for us in miraculous and unprecedented ways.

When we make peace our lifestyle, divine health and provision are our inheritance.

The enemy wants to do everything he can to keep us out of a place of rest and peace. He wants to draw us into a battle and get us to fight. Jesus already won the battle for us. This doesn’t mean we live idle lives, but that we can face any situation with the peace that Jesus already won for us. 

When Jesus says “Peace I give you, My peace I leave with you,” (John 14:27) He was offering us this same peace and confidence that He walked in. The Hebrew word for “peace” is “shalom,” meaning “The Spirit that destroys chaos and false authority.” 

Jesus left us an inheritance, an endowment that is forever ours to access. 

Jesus gave us His Spirit that destroys all chaos and lesser things that try to claim authority over our lives. 

If this is the same peace Jesus walked in that allowed Him to calm a storm, imagine what will happen to our surroundings when we choose to walk in His peace. Chaos will bow and every false authority will flee. Atmospheres will change because we’ve walked into the room. The sick will be healed, the dead will live, and our families will flourish. 



Is there a storm or a situation you’re facing that has caused you to react in fear and anxiety? Take this situation to Jesus, and ask Him for His perspective. Ask Him how He wants you to respond to this situation with peace.