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Never See the End

Never See the End
Amanda Lindsey Cook
Brave New World

key F#

Verse 1

D#mBeyond F#the end and the BbeginningG#m

D#mYou have F#been and You will BbeG#m

D#mWho in F#all the world is Blike G#mYou

D#mStill I’m F#not beyond your BreachG#m

Verse 2

You are, D#mperfect F#in Your very BnatureG#m

D#mYet you F#understand the human BmindG#m

D#mFaithful F#even when I BwanderG#m

D#mYou are F#patient, You are BkindG#m


D#mHow deep

BHow wide

F#How high is Your C#love for me

I can never see the D#m2xend

Verse 3

D#mWhere F#can I go from Your BPresenceG#m

D#mYour F#love surrounds me on all BsidesG#m

D#mFree F#from shame there is no BhidingG#m

D#mI am F#Yours and You are BmineG#m

