Glory to Glory
William Matthews
Have It All

Key of D

Verse 1
BmCreatGed from Ddust
BmYou cGame and You Dlived among us
BmYou toGok on our fDrame
You walked in our Bmpain
And now You’re tGaking us hDigher

BmYou stGepped into tDime
BmYou laGid down Your Dlife to save us
BmYou toGok all our sDhame
On the cross it was Bmlaid
And now You’re tGaking us hDigher

We go from gBmlory to gGlory to gDlory
We’ll never be the Bmsame
We’ll neGver be the saDme

We go from Bmglory to gGlory to gDlory
We’re forever Bmchanged,
GForever chDanged

Verse 2
BmYou caGll me Your frDiend
BmBrought iGnto Your eDndless kingdom
BmBy the bGlood I was Dmade
No longer a Bmslave
And now You’re tGaking us higDher

GUntil we reach that day
DLove conquers everything
AWe’ll cry an anthem singing BmHoly, AHoly

GAnd when we see that day
DWe’re standing face to face
AWe’ll shout an anthem singing BmHoly, AHoly

Verse 3
BmYou toGok on the grDave
BmSo notG even deDath can shake us
BmThe ViGctor has wDon
And Heaven has Bmcome
And now You’re tGaking us higDher
BmAnd now You’re tGaking us higDher

Chorus 2
We go from Bmglory to gGlory to gDlory
We’ll never be the Bmsame
We’ll neGver be the saDme

You take us Bmhigher and hGigher and hDigher
We’re forever Bm ch(em)anged,
GForever chDanged