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Lion and the Lamb

Lion and the Lamb

Key of B

Verse 1
BHe’s coming on the clouds
Kings and kingdoms C#mwill bow dEown
G#mEvery chain will break
As broken hearts dF#eclare His prEaise
For who can stop the F#Lord almighty?

BOur God is the Lion, the F#Lion of G#mJudah
He’s roaring with power and F#fighting our baEttles
Every knee will F# bow before Him
BOur God is the Lamb, the F#Lamb that was G#mslain
For the sins of the world, His F#blood breaks the Echains
Every knee will F#bow before the Lion and the Lamb
EEvery knee will F#bow before Him

Verse 2
BOpen up the gates
Make way before the C#mKing of KEings
G#mThe God who comes to save
Is here to set the cF#aptives free      E
For who can stop the F#Lord almighty?

C#mWho can stop the B /D#Lord almighty?
EWho can stop the F#Lord almighty?