Love Song
On the Shores


B♭ F Gm E♭

Verse 1
B♭I can hear a love Fsong all Gmaround me when the E♭wind blows
B♭I can hear your voice Fspeak, it Gmsurrounds me when the E♭leaves move


B♭I’m Fjust Gmdust without B♭your breath
B♭I’m Fjust Gmclay without B♭your kiss
B♭I’m Gmjust skinF and boneE♭
Without your B♭ /Dwind in my E♭lungs

Verse 2

B♭I can hear a love Fsong in Gmeverything you’re E♭singing
B♭I can hear your Fheartbeat flowing Gmthrough me, you’re E♭inside me


B♭ E♭ Gm , Gm E♭