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Here I Bow
Verse 1
Where would I Grun
But to the throne of D /F#mercy
Where would I Gkneel
But at this cross of D /F#grace
How great the Glove
How strong the hand that D /F#holds us
BeautifEmul, so beautifAul
So Ghere I Abow to Bmlift You high
GJesAus be DsusglorifiedD
In Gall thAings, for Bmall my life
I am YGours, forAever YDours
Verse 2
There is a KGing who bore the scars of heaD /F#ling
There is a SGon who came in grace and trD /F#uth
How great the Glove that carries us to kindD /F#ness
WonderEmful, You’re wonderAful
God hGere and Anow, be Dsuslifted Dhigh
Right hGere and Anow, be DsusglorifiDed
God of GHeaven and AEarth
God who Bmbrought me back to life
I am GYours, Aforever DYours