Here is Love
Key of F
F B♭ C/E F
Verse 1
Here is Flove, vast as the B♭ocean
Loving Fkindness as the Cflood
When the Fprince of life, our B♭ransom
Shed for Fus His Cprecious Fblood
Who His Flove will not Cremember
Who can Gmcease to sing His Fpraise?
He will Dmnever be B♭forgotten
Throughout Fheavens Ceternal Fdays
Verse 2
On the Fmount of B♭crucifixion
Fountains Fopened deep and Cwide
Through the Ffloodgates of God’s B♭mercy
Flowed a Fvast and Cgracious Ftide
Chorus 2
Grace and Flove like mighty Crivers
Poured Gmincessant from Fabove
And heavens Dmpeace and perfect B♭justice
Kissed a Fguilty Cworld in Flove
Verse 3
Let me Fall Thy love B♭accepting
Love Thee, Fever all my Cdays
Let me Fseek Thy kingdom B♭only
And my Flife be Cto Thy Fpraise
Chorus 3
Thou Falone shall be my Cglory
Nothing Gmin the world I Fsee
Thou has Dmcleansed and sanctified B♭me
Thou FThyself hast Cset me Ffree