Swan Song brought healing to family
Testimony from Swan Song
I purchased Swan Song and spent quite a bit of time reflecting and meditating over the five tracks as I drove each day. I was incredibly impacted by the emotional honesty, sense of heartache and longing that was expressed. It was both refreshing and cathartic for me to hear.
About a month ago, my mother passed away. She had a pretty tumultuous history and struggled most of her life with depression and addiction. She was an incredibly compassionate person. Within the last few years of her life, she turned to the Lord and was studying counseling to be able to help others who had experienced similar struggles. My mother’s relationship with Jesus reminded me of the music from Swan Song.
When I was preparing for my mother’s memorial, I spent a lot of time listening to Swan Song. It was during that time that the Lord laid it on my heart to play “To Love You Rightly” during the slideshow of pictures representing her life. Soon after, the Lord asked me to include a time of reflection and prayer in the service, and I asked, “Lord, how can I help people experience both the hurt and the healing that Jesus expressed during times of loss?” The Lord’s response was, “Play ‘Swan Song’ during that time and follow with a moment of silence.” The service closed with a processional, and the song the Lord gave me to play during that time was “Maranatha.”
When all was said and done, my family and I were all so incredibly grateful for God’s presence and healing at my mother’s memorial, and many people asked me for the music that was played, expressing that it was beautiful. All I could do was smile through the pain at the goodness of Jesus. I just wanted to let you know that the inspiration and courage you receive from the Holy Spirit to make music like Swan Song is doing the work of the Father in ways you may never know. These messages need to be declared over so many hurting people in our world, and I’m so thankful you put them out there. -Aaron