Foot Completely Healed

Testimony from Heaven Come Conference

After prayer today, I was able to jump and my ankle was totally healed and looks normal now. A month ago, I was going down a slip n’ slide, and my foot hit the barrier and my knee locked. And all the force of the impact, crushed my ankle and broke it. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt, and couldn’t feel anything below my knee for an hour. I didn’t have any health insurance, so I just got a brace at the store. I took a few days off of work, but I’ve been wearing the brace for a month. The first day at conference, the Lord told me not to wear the brace. I said, “Ok, but that’s going to hurt,” and I got prayer for that morning and the pain was gone. I woke up the next day and felt pain again, and said, “No, no, I am not receiving that pain back.” After prayer, I was completely healed!