Highest Praise
Amanda Lindsey Cook
Brave New World

Key Ab

Verse 1

To the A♭One who’s seated on the throne above all FmthronesD♭

To the A♭One who saw fit to gather all His children FmcloseD♭

To the A♭One I feel in the sunlight on my FmskinD♭

To the A♭One who shattered every remnant of my FmsinD♭



To the E♭One who was, the FmOne who is, and D♭is to come

To the E♭One who was, the FmOne who is, and D♭is to come



FmHighest D♭PraisesA♭

FmHighest D♭PraisesA♭


Verse 2

Every A♭ear will hear the story of Your furious FmloveD♭

Every A♭eye will see the glory of the coming FmKingD♭

Every A♭knee will bow, every tongue confess Your FmNameD♭

And with the A♭crowd I will lift my voice, I will lift my voice to FmsingD♭



Double Chorus



B♭mHallelujahA♭, we D♭join with all of E♭Heaven

B♭mHallelujahA♭, we D♭join with all of E♭Heaven

Singing B♭mHallelujahA♭, we D♭join with all of E♭Heaven

Singing B♭mHallelujahA♭, we D♭join with all of E♭Heaven