
Spine completely healed after Worship Nights

from Worship Nights

My husband, Steve, and I went to Worship Nights. In between sets, one of the pastors with Bethel Music came out, spoke briefly and prayed over needs. When he prayed for people with any sort of illness in their body, Steve and I raised our hands. He has been suffering with chronic migraines and I found out

Swan Song brought healing to family

from Swan Song

I purchased Swan Song and spent quite a bit of time reflecting and meditating over the five tracks as I drove each day. I was incredibly impacted by the emotional honesty, sense of heartache and longing that was expressed. It was both refreshing and cathartic for me to hear. About a month ago, my mother passed

Learned to express heart through worship

from The Undoing

I have to tell you that “The Undoing” is ministering so much to me and the season of life that I am currently in. I was anticipating the release of it because I had a feeling it was what I was needing to enhance my quiet time with the Lord. I wept like crazy because of